Hyderabad based two different organisations viz. Deaf Enabled Foundation (DEF) and Sign Medium (SM) a arm of Yunikee Accessibility Service for Deaf …

In India, there are numerous deaf associations, registered or unregistered, operating at various levels: villages, districts, towns and cities. The purpose of …

Book Resources

Mr. Rahul Gala led a pilot project of developing ISL-English book for deaf children to increase English literacy and reading habits among …

At JITO YOUTH (Jain International Trade Organisation) Ahmedabad Chapter, the Founder Trustee Mr. Sarvesh Jain presented his story on Orjet Foundation, the …

Mr. Manan Shah was felicitated with an award ‘Distinguished Talent Honours’ from the Jain Community through Prarthana Mandal, Bhavnagar for his leadership …

Our Consultant Mr. Sunil Sahasrabudhe who happens to be the elected President of All India Federation of the Deaf, met honourable President …